Essencia Interiors

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Why more people are choosing e-Design?

Want an interior design professional to help you with your home... but don’t want to break your budget before you move the first piece of furniture? Then read on – because e-design could be a great fit for your next project!

If you don’t mind a bit of DIY and can explain your needs for the space and what you want your final space to look like, e-Design could be perfect choice to save you a heap of money and days of agonising research.

The outcome of one of our Design Plans. Check out more about this project: Cambden NSW here.

How more homeowners are finding e-Design an affordable and timesaving option

It gives people a customised, detailed and concise plan from a professional, that enables them to DIY with smooth success. Instead of spending days researching, they have an interior design professional listen to their needs, wants and budget, who creates a personalised design plan so they can get into the DOING of the project! And it saves them from buyer’s remorse — there’s nothing more disheartening than purchasing furniture and decor that looks mismatched in your space!

A big plus is the flat rate fee. In comparison, hiring an interior designer in the in-person traditional way, means paying a deposit, then paying an ongoing rate and travel costs. Which can understandably increase if the project takes longer than expected. E-design is a budget solution that cuts out all those costs.

There’s usually a quick turnaround

You don’t have to be on a designer’s waiting list for months until they can visit and fit in your entire project. So, if you are keen to start changing your space ASAP, e-design will help you start quickly. 

It gives you more freedom

It doesn’t matter where you or the interior designer are located, as e-design is conducted virtually over video chat, phone, email. And if your circumstances change and you need to wait a few weeks or months to continue your project, you can put your plans on hold. You can order everything at once or you can purchase furniture and other bits and pieces over time. You have the important part in your hand – your unique plan, put together by a professional designer with your tastes and needs in mind.

In short, e-design is loved for its money and timesaving, its accessibility, fast yet still personalised service, freedom and ease.

How to choose an e-Design interior designer

… who will give you a wonderful result you’ll love.

Do your homework. Choose an e-Design interior designer who is client focused. One who has a track record of thrilled and excited clients who felt listened to and had their needs met. Ones who enjoyed the process and ended up with a Design Plan in their hands that had them excited about their space!

Choose an interior designer that takes the time to explain things and answer their clients’ questions, one who seeks their feedback along the way. An interior designer who will challenge you out of your comfort zone — and who will seek to see what styles and elements you also don’t like — is a plus! And importantly, a good interior designer will analyse this feedback effectively. They won’t be pushy or infuse their own vision into their client’s home but have a skill at putting themselves into the shoes of their clients. An e-Designer who knows their stuff, and at the same time skillfully infuses each Design Plan with the personalities and unique needs of their clients is worth their weight in gold.

And finally, choose an interior designer who is warm, and who loves what they do and the people they serve.

Here’s how the e-design process works with essencia interiors

1.  The Questionnaire. This provides me with your goal, the style you like, how quickly the project needs to be completed in and what existing items you have that you want to include in the design. It tells me the layout and dimensions of the room. And this is where you give me images of the room — and images that inspire you. You may have some cuttings from magazines or screenshots from social media or Pinterest, etc.

2.  We have a 20min video call meeting. We go over questions that you or I have. This helps me get a clear understanding of what your needs and wants are for your space.

3.  An ‘Inspiration Board’ is provided for you to provide feedback on. This board shows several finished interiors so you can pick and choose various elements that you like. This assists me in narrowing down your likes and dislikes for the next stage. 

“I love drawing out the personalities of each client and infusing their essence into their space.” — Anica Bozinovski, Essencia Interiors

4.  A ‘Visualisation Board’ is then sent to you, which is a mood board of selected items and items you already have. Once again, you can provide feedback on what you like, what you don’t like... or give a ‘maybe’ to certain items. This board can then be changed up to two times before additional costs kick in, (which rarely happens).

5.  You receive your final Design Plan package. This includes a Shopping List, Floor Plan, Final Visualisation Board and a Designer Report (notes how to apply those final touches).

Then you have an easy-to follow plan for your space that you can’t wait to put together!


Check out our e-Design package here.

And if you have more questions, contact us! We’d be happy to chat about your space and needs.


“My partner Emily and I loved working with Anica. We were working with a really small space, and Anica was able to give us a ton of ideas on how to make the most of it. She was always quick to answer our questions and we were very impressed with how fast she was able to produce a quality package with pieces that we love for us.” — Blake, Redfern, NSW

See more about Blake’s and Emily’s living area project here.