Your Ultimate Guide to Discovering Your Interior Design Style

Essencia Interiors

Taking some time to get clear on what interior design style you like can help you avoid a mismatched room, money down the drain and a ton of disappointment. Knowing what styles you do and don’t like can help you put a clear plan together for a cohesive outcome.

So how do you work out what interior design style you like most? And what if you are a bit confused as to all the design terms like ‘Eclectic’ and ‘Mid-Century Modern? If you find yourself unsure of where to start, all good! Here’s a helpful guide below to working out your design style.

NOTE: if you find yourself liking a couple of design styles, it can be a good idea to get the assistance of an interior designer to guide you on successfully mixing the styles.

Define Your Personality

Let your personality take centre stage. Let your unique quirks and interests shape your design choices…

Elizeu Dias, Unsplash

Where do you most love to be… Do you love the beach, the city, the countryside or the mountains?

Look at your lifestyle. Are you sporty? Love the great outdoors? Camping? Surfing? Or do prefer entertaining, going to top restaurants and shopping at boutiques?

Look at your belongings. Your belongings can give you big clues. Are you a minimalist… or a sentimental collector of things? Do you have a soft spot for vintage treasures? Homemade teddy bears? A particular style of perfume bottles? Black and white or sepia photos? Do you have any particular books you like to display? Do you have records from a particular era? Do you like sleek, modern decor? Plants?

Materials. Do you like natural timbers? Painted timbers? The cool look of metal? Glass? Soft throw rugs… or none at all? Leather? Suede? Corduroy? Velvet?

Patterns. Floral cushions or plain ones? Stripes? Spots? Paisely? Frills or stitching detail? Knitted patterns?

Art. What styles of art appeal to you the most? French impressionist? Modern and abstract? Landscapes? Graphite pencil realism? Any particular photography?

Consider Your Existing Furniture

Have a look at your current favourite pieces. What style would they be considered to be influenced by? Explore design styles that seamlessly complement these cherished pieces. It's all about creating a cohesive blend that feels uniquely "you."

Freestocks, Unsplash

Go Old-School… with magazines

Buy a couple of new magazines such as Homes, Country Style and Better Homes and Gardens. And dust off those lifestyle magazines you have on your bookshelf from years ago.

  • Cut out and compile a collection of images that you like. You might stumble upon a home that sparks inspiration in ways you never anticipated. Put together a collection of images in a folder that appeal to you.

  • Create a mood board. Let your instincts guide you, and don't be afraid to mix and match styles on a mood board that resonate with you.

Take Style Quizzes

Embrace the digital age and explore online quizzes. These interactive tools can help you narrow down your favorite styles and provide insights into design realms you might not have considered.


CLICK HERE to sign up and get your free copy! It contains a quiz and quick points on each of the most popular styles. See what styles you love most.

Our other personal favourite is the Milray Park online quiz. Anica has served many clients through Milray Park in the past. While the agency isn’t operational at the moment, the founder of Milray Park has generously made the quiz available online. This quiz will give you an idea as to whether you tend to gravitate to one particular style or two.

Jump into the online rabbit hole…

Fahim Reza, Unsplash

  • Start with Pinterest. Need we say more? Save pins which show rooms that appeal to you into folders. The more you delve into what aesthetics appeal to you, and the more pins you save, the clearer your preferences will become. And showing a favourite collection to an interior designer is an excellent way to show what you like. This, along with your needs and preferences, will enable them to put together a design plan… and make your project a breeze.

  • Print out or save images you are drawn to on Instagram or from websites.

Visit Interiors

Step into different design worlds by visiting open houses and showrooms. There's nothing quite like experiencing various styles firsthand and getting up close and personal with furniture. It's a sensory exploration that can reveal surprising preferences.

Identify Colour Preferences:

Colours speak volumes. Take note of colours that resonate with you on a personal level. The colours that you gravitate to in your day-to-day life could be a good indication — such as the colour of the clothes you find yourself wearing. Neutrals? Soft pink and green? Earthy hues? Rich blues? Your favourite colors can be a compass, guiding you toward a specific design style that aligns with your preferences.

Get Familiar with Different Styles — check these out

Essencia Interiors

Essencia Interiors

  1. Minimalist: Embracing simplicity, the minimalist style focuses on clean lines, open spaces, and a "less is more" philosophy, creating an uncluttered and serene environment.

  2. Industrial: Inspired by urban lofts, the industrial style features raw materials, exposed brick, and metal accents, celebrating the beauty of utilitarian design.

  3. Scandinavian: Hailing from Nordic countries, Scandinavian design is characterized by a light, airy feel, neutral color palettes, and a harmonious blend of form and function.

  4. Bohemian: Embracing free-spirited creativity, the bohemian style is a vibrant mix of patterns, textures, and global influences, creating a laid-back and eclectic atmosphere.

  5. Mid-Century Modern: Originating from the mid-20th century, this style is inspired by Bauhaus and Scandinavian influences. It showcases clean lines, organic shapes, and a blend of form and function includes natural materials for an iconic and sleek appearance.

  6. Rustic: Celebrating the charm of natural materials, the rustic style incorporates elements like wood, stone, and earthy tones, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

  7. Traditional: Rooted in classic design principles, the traditional style exudes timeless elegance with rich colors, ornate details, and a sense of symmetry.

  8. Contemporary: Evolving with the times, contemporary design features sleek lines, a neutral color palette, and an emphasis on current trends, creating a modern and ever-changing aesthetic.

  9. Eclectic: An artful blend of various styles, eclectic design fearlessly mixes patterns, textures, and eras, resulting in a unique and personalised space.

  10. Farmhouse: Inspired by rural living, farmhouse style incorporates rustic elements, distressed finishes, and vintage accessories, creating a cozy and welcoming environment.

  11. Transitional: Bridging the gap between traditional and contemporary, transitional design combines classic elements with more modern features, achieving a timeless and versatile look.

  12. Art Deco: A glamorous style from the early 20th century, Art Deco is characterized by geometric patterns, bold colors and luxurious materials. It evokes a sense of opulence.

  13. Coastal: Drawing inspiration from the seaside, coastal design features light colors, natural textures and nautical elements, creating a breezy and relaxed atmosphere.

  14. Mediterranean: Reflecting the warmth of Mediterranean regions, this style incorporates earthy tones, textured surfaces and intricate details, creating a sun-soaked and inviting space.

  15. Shabby Chic: A blend of vintage and feminine aesthetics, shabby chic design embraces distressed furniture, soft pastels and a touch of whimsy, creating a charming and lived-in look.

Trust Your Instincts

Your instincts are your best guide. If a particular style or element speaks to you, go with it! Design is a personal journey — and your home should mirror your unique personality and likes. When you infuse your home with the style, furniture and decor that appeals to you, you are creating a haven that will nurture the soul.

In Conclusion

For many of our clients, this process is not just about a room transformation. It also is a soul-searching process that helps them learn about themselves… and in turn express themselves through the transformation of their space. So give yourself some time to explore different styles with the guide above.

Want to save yourself days of researching? Our interior design packages save our clients a ton of frustration, time, money! And we want you to enjoy the collaborative process as we put together your personalised design plan for your space! See how one of our packages will put you, your needs and budget at centerstage HERE.

HAVE YOU REQUESTED OUR FREE INTERIOR DESIGN STYLE GUIDE? CLICK HERE to sign up and get your free copy! It contains a quiz and quick points on each of the most popular styles. See what styles you love most… you might even be surprised!


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